Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Moment of Silence

To my wonderful Motiba...who passed away at 5:04am on Saturday, February 4, 2006. To Mangalaben Gandhi...a woman who dealt with all her personal tragedies with strength, dignity, and hope. After 90-some years of pain, through the loss of two of her children and her husband, and through the torture of prolonged bed-ridden incapacitation, she has finally attained great peace. The pain has ended, and though our lives now seem a bit darker, we know that she has moved beyond her past negative karma to a place of a great hope and happiness.

To hear her talk and laugh with such energy displayed to the world that she did not feel burdened by her handicaps, but instead lifted up by them. Though we had a language barrier between us, Gujarati seemed to come to me much more easily whenever I was with her. By setting a shining and almost inconceivably positive example, she brought out the best in everyone who knew her.

Though we will miss her, we are all happy to know that her days of suffering have finally ended. Our hearts seem a little less whole, but our spirits are lifted by ever having known her. Today is not a time to mourn or grieve, but it is a time to celebrate the woman, the mother, grandmother, the solid rock holding strong amongst a turbulent river.

Thank you, Motiba. We will all miss you dearly.

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