Thursday, March 16, 2006

Philosophical Question 1: Good Deeds

I am all for doing good things and for helping people. I love the feeling I get whenever I volunteer. No doubt, helping the less fortunate is an amazing experience. But at what point do such actions stop being about doing good and start being about stroking the ego or easing a guilty conscience?

I know some people who weekly help people in need. I think their work is amazing. And yet they feel the need to tell EVERYONE about the organizations and the work they do. Sure, it's fine to sell the organization. But there's a point where it becomes like advertising the self. Overtalking about's so great, the work is so amazing, oh yeah, and I work there so much, so perhaps I'm so great and amazing. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I really feel like they are looking for a pat on the back and for some praise. Stroking the ego.

Do good. Don't exploit it.

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