Thursday, March 16, 2006

Surat: Doing Nothing But Salad

Pardon the double use of pointless English sayings, but Surat was a "breath of fresh air" after the "whirlwind" of Ahmedabad. The only people for me to see there were Jyoti Masi and Girdhar Masa. Of course I stayed with them in their new apartment, which is really nice. The best part was the view. Overlooking a playground, I could watch people all day and evening. I saw some nice dramas unfold, all dealing with the sense of belonging. Since I love observing people, this setting was perfect.

Other than this, I didn't really do much. Browse the internet. Watch TV. Finish a newspaper crossword puzzle completely for the first time in my life (it took all day, and I was obsessed...though I still don't think that TEERESS is a real word...). Go for drives and walks through the city with Masi and Masa. And make salad, twice. The first time was a spinach salad, and I made the dressing (I took painstaking effort). The second day had a cabbage base. Other than this, nothing.

The weather was perfect. Cold and clouds and rain throughout all of Gujarat. It felt amazing. I loved it.

With no other direct family in Surat, my life was easy. I could have visited the families of two bhabhis, but why? I was enjoying my non-social life too much.

I had lots of fun and some great conversations with Masi and Masa, who, together, go by the name "Jyotirdhar." We enjoyed eating Mohanthar, which we renamed Girdhar-thar. And I came to realize that Jyoti Masi is a perfect synthesis and blend of mom and Didi Masi. She has mom's attitude and beliefs, and Masi's mannerisms and actions. I had lots of fun while doing nothing.


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