Thursday, March 16, 2006

Philosophical Question 4: Educated Ignorance

Ignorance is everywhere, particularly when it comes to hatred. I've found that Indians, even incredibly educated and loving ones, can feel immense negative feelings for specific groups (ie Muslims). I know that many Americans also don't like Muslims. Idahoans don't like Montanans. Seattlites don't like Tacomans. But none of this compares to the pure hatred in India. History classes and textbooks blame one group or another for certain actions like Ayodhya in 1992 and Godhra in 2001. People feel they know everything, the whole truth, because they are educated and open minded. And yet some people I respect have gone off on the Muslims. I'm not saying that they're opinions and their anger aren't valid. But when I try to present a new perspective, I'm accused of bringing in lies and of not knowing anything. When one of my Indian friends said flat out that he hates Muslims, I asked him why. He mentioned Kashmir and Ayodhya and terrorist acts...things that he hasn't seen or experienced. He's only heard things second or third-hand. I'm not saying that he shouldn't feel the way he does. But, he doesn't know any Muslims. He can't put a face to the religion. He only knows about what the media tells him. This is just like the view of Black people in the US. So many Indians have asked me about the "Negro Problem" in the US. They are always surprised to hear that the "Problem" is a result of history...a history promoted by white people (ie slavery). Black people are the way they are not because they are innately violent or murderous. Really??? But, that's not the case with Muslims. Right??

Basic Newtonian Law: Every action has a reaction. And vice versa. To understand the reaction, you must understand the action as well.

Education does not remove ignorance when the education itself is ignorant.

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