Friday, December 30, 2005

Basic thoughts on India

People here rarely put their lips onto any glass, especially one that may be shared. So, I've had to practice pouring water into my mouth while holding the cup above my face. Aim is hard!

Almost every foreign tourist (particularly men) smokes. It's because most are European, and smoking in Europe isn't persecuted like it is in the States.

Women in the rural parts of developing countries must have very strong upper bodies due to the work they do. Their necks must not only support their heads and mops of hair, but they must also support large bundles of clothes, food, or water. Then, their required to wash the clothes. Each article must be put in the water, then pressed against a hard surface (often a boulder) many times, then slapped repeatedly against that hard surface with immense swinging and sweeping force, then dampened, then soaped, then repeat...These actions, which basically use the human body to do the work of a washing machine, strain the arms and back muscles. In all these tasks, women must be super strong!

Seven years ago, Indians referred to our country as "The States." Now, no one recognizes this term. It's America...

In America, we sell tanning lotion to make ourself darker, because there's nothing worse than light skin. In India, it's all about the "fairness creams," which lighten the skin over a period of weeks. Of course, I don't think this process is very healthy, but that's not the point. Apparently, it's in our nature to not be happy with how we are born.

Not only is Cricket much more popular around the world than baseball, it has one great advantage. You can place cricket anywhere. You don't need a field with bases, but instead just a small, narrow strip of land. I've seen kids play full games on the streets, in parks, on garbage heaps, and on beaches. Let's see baseball compete with that!

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