Thursday, December 01, 2005

Not Even in India...and Already There Are Issues

Alright, first of all, long flights suck. But what's
worse? Long layovers. So, I'm in Malaysia, and I've
already been traveling for about 22 hours. I still
have 3.5 more hours of layover before five hour
flight. Fun.

So, three things have happened to me thus far. First,
and I'm really unhappy about this, I ate pork
(willingly) for the first time in years. China Air
had two choices for dinner (at 3am), and they both had
pork. And being incredibly hungry at the time, I went
with the congee, because the pork was a little more
hidden in it.

Second, I lost my passport, kinda. In Taipei, I went
through security to transfer planes when a guy bumped
my bag. That made me bit paranoid, thus prompting me
to check my bag. I tore my bag apart and couldn't
find my passport. It had fallen out in the airplane
when I was pulling out my ticket. I made a mad dash
for the terminal. As soon as I got there, a man asked
me "Passport?" Strangely enough, they had found it,
but they hadn't found me in their system. It was like
I never flew with them. So, this whole thing taught
me to be much more careful with my things, and also to
be thankful for the little favors (like the guy
bumping me). I still can't believe I almost messed up
the trip even before it began!

ONE!! Doesn't bode well for my blogging.

Alright, another few hours to kill. Then, off to bug
my relatives.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sapan-

man, what a saga... I hope you've arrived by now. Where is your first stop exactly? And when can we expect photos?

Hope the rest of the trip was smooth!!
Take care, Claudia