Friday, December 30, 2005

Journal Bits 2: Why I'm So Confused 1

Traveling to India can be a confusing thing. Here are a few things to keep in mind in case any of you every decide to travel here. Keep in mind that my experience thus far only reflects Karnataka and parts of Tamil Nadu. These may not be true everywhere in the country:

The word "hotel" actually means "restaurant." For a real hotel, look for the words "boarding" or "lodging," or simply check into a "Guest House."

"STD" does not stand for a negative consequence for promiscuity. They are privately owned pay phones.

Whenever anyone uses the middle finger, it's not an insult. The middle finger is the longest, and therefore the most useful for pointing to things or for applying tikas.

Once again, men here are EXCEPTIONALLY affectionate toward each other. I've seen hand holding, ass grabbing, and upper thigh squeezing, just to name a few. Oh, and some men will just sit back and watch as their friends publicly bathe. And these men are JUST FRIENDS.

Don't be surprised if you are in a restaurant and some people come and sit at your table. Just ignore them and continue eating. They just wanted a place to sit, and apparently the restaurant was full. And when you have empty chairs at your table, they become fair game.

Next...gestures...the silent cause of confusion.

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